Thursday, May 4, 2017

Doctor Who: Ranked! on Hiatus until Further Notice; USA's Psych to Be Reviewed on Fridays

I'm not sure how many people actually have actually read the one Doctor Who post I've actually done... certainly there is much more activity on my MacGyver posts.  Nevertheless, I'm still wanting to let you know that until further notice, I will be suspending my Doctor Who review series.  I absolutely intend to pick it back up at some point in the future, as Doctor Who is one of my favorite shows, but at the moment, it's a bit too much to take on.  Doctor Who is fantastic because of its complex story lines, beautifully in-depth characters, outstanding moral dilemmas, worlds and times, and if I'm going to do it justice, I'm going to need to pick this up when I'm not doing two other blogs.

I am, however, replacing the DW part (for now) with a Ranked! review of USA's Psych.  This show is fun, really silly sometimes, occasionally deep. but all around just... well... fun.  It will make for a much less time-consuming show to watch and review than Doctor Who.  Plus it's been ages since I've watched Psych, and my husband and I have been meaning to watch it together again, and this could be the perfect time... I'll even try to get Jake to chip in on his thoughts on the episode as well, because we sometimes have conflicting opinions on what constitutes entertainment.  For instance, I know he loves the episode I have at the very bottom of my list ... because he thinks zombies are cool and funny and a grand form of entertainment... and I hate them with an eternally burning passion.

Anyway... I just wanted to let you know about this development.  I'm taking the Doctor Who: Ranked! page off my homepage, but you will still be able to find the post I did about "Aliens of London" in the archives; I'm not taking that off.

And I'd encourage you, even if you haven't seen Psych, read tomorrow's post - you may find a new show to love and/or hate, and I love to discuss my favorite (and least favorite) episodes with fellow reviewers and fans!

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