Sunday, January 22, 2017

MacGyver: #49 Black Rhino (S5E8)

Edit: After re-watching this episode, I realized that it was much better than I remembered it to be, so I have since moved it to a substantially higher place on my list.  Instead of being #136, it is now #49.

Episode Title: Black Rhino
Episode Number: S5E8

Ranking: 49 of 138
Summary: When the youngest Colton brother takes it upon himself to go after a bounty that his older brothers had never been able to score - a poacher, Ladysmith - MacGyver goes to Africa to find him and ends up joining the hunt for the killer as well.

Quotable Moment: 
MacGyver: Kate, I've gotta tell you.  That is the sickest, cruelest, most inhumane thing I've ever seen in my life.
Best Part: The fight between MacGyver and Ladysmith on the dam.

Worst Part: When they come across the rhino that had had its horn removed and had to be put down.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Doctor Who (Ninth Doctor): #10 Aliens of London (S1E4) - Part 1

Episode Title: Aliens of London
Episode Number: S1E4

Ranking: 10 of 10 (Part 1 of 2)

Since this is a two-parter, I'm counting"Aliens of London" and "World War Three" as one collective episode, but will be reviewing each episode separately - thus, they will both be ranked as #10 in the reverse countdown, despite being reviewed as individual episodes.

As this is a blog that comprehensively reviews TV shows, there will be spoilers.

Summary: Rose and the Doctor return to earth to find out that she's been gone and considered missing for 12 months instead of the intended 12 hours.  On the tail of their return, an alien spaceship crashes into Big Ben for the world to see, exposing the existence of aliens to the masses.  But is there more going on than it seems?

Place/Time: Earth, London, 2005

Aliens/Monsters: The Slitheen

Quotable Moment: "900 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother!" -the Doctor

Best Part: Harriet Jones, MP of Flydale North.

Worst Part: Any of the farting scenes are highly uncomfortable.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

MacGyver: #137 The Mountain of Youth (S7E14)

Episode Title: The Mountain of Youth
Episode Number: S7E14

Ranking: 137 of 138
Summary: Jack Dalton drags MacGyver along on a quest to discover the Fountain of Youth in a politically unstable third world country.

Quotable Moment: 
MacGyver: You're up to something more than the betterment of mankind, I know it.  Deep inside, I know it!
Best Part: The entire first scene where Jack is trying to convince MacGyver to help him find this Fountain of Youth.

Worst Part: Any time that I was spoon-fed a ridiculous piece of information and expected to accept it without questioning its validity, which happened far too often in this episode.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

MacGyver: #138 The Kill Zone (S3E11)

Episode Title: The Kill Zone
Episode Number:

Ranking: 138 of 138

Summary: MacGyver and Pete face off against a stubborn scientist who refuses to allow her deadly, mutated superbug to be destroyed.

Quotable Moment: 
Pete: What a loss.
Best Part: I really enjoyed the faith and loyalty Pete and Mac had in one another this episode.  Their friendship is really well represented here.

Worst Part: Dr. Millhouse’s and Ace’s last moments.

The OCR (Obsessive Compulsive Reviewer)

There is a common misconception that a person who has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is, by default, organized. 

This is not true – therefore, the misconception bit.  Having been clinically diagnosed with OCD at the age of 8 in 1999, I am living proof that obsessive and organized are indeed not one and the same.  Throw me in the middle of a card game with uneven decks, or hand me a bowl of Skittles (taste the rainbow!) with six reds and two greens – not exactly a rainbow, but still – and I’ll have a field day.  Lock me in a messy room, and I’ll find something with which to procrastinate for days, even going so far as to pointedly ignore the mess when it’s right under my nose – just ask my husband!